One Piece Chapter 1121 Cover | Credit: Eiichiro Oda
- Chapter 878
- Chapter 832
- Chapter 553
- Chapter 379
- Honorable Mention
- Another Honorable Mention
Now, we all know Nami is the darling of One Piece, but did you know that this hot chick is one of Oda's favorite pin-up models?
As a matter of fact, he changed the cover of Chapter 1121 to heavily feature Nami! It even looked like bro got distracted midway thinking of Nami's boobs and decided to draw her!
I mean, can you blame the man? He created one of the most perfect anime waifus in existence. It's only right that he blesses One Piece fans with more of her fan art!
So, without further ado, let me introduce you to Nami's hottest full-color spreads showcasing her Boobs!
Chapter 878

One Piece Chapter 878 | Credit: Eiichiro Oda
Honestly, there's a lot going on in this photo.
We see Sanji and Zoro fighting with watermelons in hand, Chopper looking adorable with his floatie, Franky fishing, Brook dying from the heat, Usopp and Luffy enjoying the fan, and Robin just straight up chilling.
Well, I could go on and on about what's happening here, but let's be honest - that's not what we're all looking at. Because all our eyes can see is a soaking wet Nami in her see-through blouse, holding an orange towel and a watermelon.
Just kidding. There's nobody looking at the towel and the watermelon, not when we're all zoomed in on her boobs!
Chapter 832

One Piece Chapter 832 | Credit: Eiichiro Oda
A daily reminder to always hydrate, especially during summer!
Because imagine beating up the most powerful pirates and marines, only to get your butt handed to you by dehydration. Not so cool, is it? Â
Look at our beloved Nami here. Not only did she take a dip, but she was also drinking an entire bottle of water! After all, if you're going to be going from island to island to find the one piece, it's important that you stay healthy.
Just look at her body; it looks absolutely magnificent in that two-piece swimsuit. The epitome of a young, hot-blooded woman who is ready to take on any enemy that comes her way! Even Sanji is in awe of her!
There's a good reason why Nami is the only Straw Hat member who can whack the Monster Trio. And to think they have the highest bounties only to get scolded by Nami-swan!
Chapter 553

One Piece Chapter 553 | Credit: Eiichiro OdaÂ
It's hot outside, so why don't we all strip some layers and enjoy the beach? There's a lot of fun to do out there, after all!
Well, except if you're a Devil Fruit user. Or you just can't swim. Otherwise, we can enjoy some ice cream with the Straw Hats. And the best part? You get to spend some time with Nami!
With that two-piece blue swimsuit and a sharp tongue, you're sure to enjoy the company of this fine redhead all summer long!
Just look at her cocky smile. You can't tell anyone she doesn't love the attention. I mean, her bounty poster alone is proof she absolutely relishes people admiring her hot body!
I mean, if Oda's going to put a lot of effort into drawing Nami as the goddess of One Piece, then it's only right that us fans are going to admire her the way she wants to be admired. Respectfully and truthfully!
Chapter 379

One Piece Chapter 379 | Credit: Eiichiro OdaÂ
Green is honestly one of Nami's best colors! Paired with Luffy's hat, a red necklace (which is probably expensive), a cute bangle, and twin pigtails, this lady is absolutely ready to kill it at the beach!
And the icing on the top? Sanji is holding a photo of her right behind her. Talk about a simp!
What really makes this cover majestic is how big her smile is. It's so precious, and we should all consider it a national treasure. Maybe her smile is the One Piece we are all looking for!
Honorable Mention:Â Â Jump Festa 2012 Jigsaw Puzzle

One Piece Jump Festa 2012 Jigsaw Puzzle Art | Credit: Eiichiro Oda
Now, IÂ know this isn't an official color spread, but am I really going to pass up the opportunity to include this rare and limited edition Jump Festa art?
Not only are we blessed in seeing Nami in all her naked glory, but Robin's as well! It kind of reminds me of how she gave the Male Straw Hats the happiness punch.
Contrary to its name, it's not actually a punch. But it is an attack. A visual one, that is!
So, at the near end of the Alabasta arc, the boys peeked at the female bathroom. Nami, who was quick to spot this, opens up her towel and confidently shows her body off to the guys!
The pre-timeskip arc of One Piece has graced us with some of the best Nami moments in history. We would honestly love to see Nami's Happiness punch once more!
Another Honorable Mention: This Epic Edit by a Redditor

Art By Oda, Edit by missilenesquik on r/onepieceÂ
Imagine loving Nami so much that you take every single lewd photo of her and compile it into one photo. Because honestly? Same.
Personally, I do think Nami is Oda's favorite One Piece character to draw. What do you think? Leave us a comment in the Otaku Community!