Credits: Doga Kobo
Alisa Mikhailovna Kujou, better known as Alya, has recently gained a lot of popularity among anime fans. Her cute pictures are dominating Pinterest, and her video edits have filled social media.
Sure, there are a lot of things about her that make her lovable and memorable. Her design and overall looks are gorgeous as well. But what exactly makes her stand out among the already-established plethora of anime waifus?
3. She is and looks...Russian

Credits: Doga Kobo
Alya is and looks Russian. She actually speaks in Russian in the anime as well, especially when she's saying things that she doesn't want Masachika to know. Why is she being Russian relevant to this conversation, you ask? Well, you see, there's something about Russian girls—almost every man from every country has them on their bucket list.
Of course, the beauty that Russian girls possess is a part of the reason that they're so popular. The light hair and the winter-pink cheeks and nose are hard to resist. But it's not just about that! The way they speak sounds amazingly charming and dangerous, at the same time, making them extremely desirable, especially in the eyes of the men who aren't from Russia.
2. She is a perfect solitary princess who has fallen for a regular otaku

Credits: Doga Kobo
Alya is a solitary princess. Solitary Princess is a nickname given to her by her peers at her school, and it suits her perfectly. She is the type of girl who is never interested in anything social. She rarely pays attention to anyone. Well, anyone who isn't Masachika.
Seeing a girl like Alya, so perfect in almost everything, whether we talk about studies or sports or the way she looks, fall for a common otaku like Masachika; it has a certain allure to it, especially in the eyes of anime fans. Maybe it makes them dream that this can happen to them, too! Well, with how popular and mainstream anime has become, maybe it can indeed.
1. A tsundere who actually shares her feelings...but in Russian

Credits: Doga Kobo
Tsunderes are known for never accepting or sharing their romantic feelings or any kind of emotions for that matter. Even a little talk around that area makes them red in the face. They're also embarrassed very easily. Boldness related to matters of the heart is something that can give them nightmares. But what if they could share what's on their mind without anybody knowing about it? What if they had a secret code language that only they understood? Now that makes things kind of spicy!
Alya is a typical tsundere who would never accept her feelings for Masachika. Even though she has fallen head over heels for him. However, unlike a typical anime tsundere, she does sometimes slip out what's on her mind, only in Russian though, so that no one finds out! This makes her an even more exciting tsundere.Â