There’s no match for these stylish anime characters!

The character designs from some anime and game franchises are pretty extravagant!
Anime artists make a great effort to create impressive characters, which, for some, includes their detailed clothing, from headpieces to even shoes! It feels like you are watching a fashion show!
Even so, some characters stand out more than others (in their anime) because of their unique style! If there were such a thing as an Anime Fashion Week, all eyes would be on them as they walk along the catwalk!
Here are six of the most fashionable anime characters!
Alucard - Hellsing

The unbeatable vampire from the Hellsing Organization displays a dark gray suit, black boots, white gloves, a red overcoat, and a hat. Such a bold combination!
And who would dare stop him anyway?
Nico Robin - One Piece

When It comes to fashionable anime clothing, I can’t help but think of Robin! She wears an outstanding outfit on nearly every occasion! It seems deep cleavage or bikini tops, long boots, and cowboy hats are the main items in her wardrobe!
Brook - One Piece

Brook is another character from One Piece with a unique fashion sense! He knows how to play with colors very well and still keeps a sophisticated look in a way only an eccentric musician knows!
Brook is undoubtedly top on the list of most fashionable anime characters.
Ezra Scarlet - Fairy Tail

Similarly to Robin, Ezra Scarlet must have a luxurious wardrobe, though with the advantage of using magic to change clothes! Her skill Re-Equip allows her to change to whatever outfit best fits her needs, and she supposedly has over a hundred options!
Tomoyo Daidouji - Sakura CardCaptor

Although Tomoyo tends to dress modestly, she is the one who designs and makes all of Sakura’s intricate costumes despite her young age. Plus, the pieces she makes are pretty and functional!
Do you think she is a gifted child or just another rich kid with lots of free time?
Josuke Higashikata - JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure

It’s hard to pick only one JoJo to call extravagant. But I decided to go with Josuke as it’s also a nice way to acknowledge other Rockabilly/Greaser anime characters and their majestic pompadours!
Josuke’s clothes are possibly the soberest among the JoJos, but ironically, that drew my attention!
Who is Your Fashion Idol from Anime?
Style varies greatly according to personal preferences, but I wouldn't miss a single video if these anime characters had a YouTube channel to share their fashion tips!
Still, this list of the most fashionable anime characters is far from complete!
Who else should join this fashion elite? And which ones would you like to see in your anime box?
Share your thoughts with me through comments or on my Otaku Community, and check the posts below to see more coverage of fantastic anime boys and girls!
Images from Hellsing Wiki, IMDb