Bullying or Heated Passion? What Makes BakuDeku The Perfect Yaoi Ship

Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo are beside each other, wearing school uniforms
Credits: unou_mha - wall.alphacoders.com


  • Introduction - BakuDeku is More Than Just a Surface Level Ship
  • Kacchan's Tsundere Tendencies are More Than Meets the Eye
  • "Deku, You Nerd!" is Actually A Love Language
  • Rivals in the Streets, Allies in the Sheets (of Paper)
  • Believe it or Not, They Trust Each Other
  • My Verdict: This Ship is Plus Ultra!

BakuDeku is More Than Just a Surface Level Ship

Konnichiwa hero-loving otakus! Let's get into one of the hottest topics in the My Hero Academia fandom - the BakuDeku ship! If you're a fan of the show, you'll know that these two are always at each other's throats. But you may be surprised to know that there's a whole other side going, "No way, it's obviously passionate love!"

And that's exactly what we're here to unpack today. Is it a case of hurt turning into heart-eyes, or just wishful thinking from some very thirsty fans? We're about to find out.

Kacchan's Tsundere Tendencies are More Than Meets the Eye

Bakugo insulting Deku while he tries to give pointers
Credits: sonicfrank11 - DeviantArt

Remember when Bakugo asked Deku if he'd "made that borrowed power his own"? Classic tsundere move! Our explosive boy might act tough, but he has a soft spot for Deku, like during their house arrest when Kacchan offered advice on Deku's Shoot Style.

These moments show that beneath all that yelling, Bakugo genuinely respects Deku's growth. It's the kind of slow-burn development that makes shippers' hearts go boom!

"Deku, You Nerd!" is Actually A Love Language

A young Bakugo and Deku helping each other up in a river
Credits: My Hero Academia

These two have come a long way from "Die, Nerd!" to actually working together. Remember their epic tag team against All Might? That wasn't just good teamwork - it was chef's kiss perfection.

Their banter might sound harsh to outsiders, but true fans know it's just how they communicate. It's like they have their own secret language, full of insults that are really compliments in disguise. Talk about relationship goals!

Rivals in the Streets, Allies in the Feats

Nothing gets these two fired up like trying to surpass each other. But it's not just about competition - they make each other better heroes. Deku's always thinking, "What would Kacchan do?" while Bakugo pushes himself to new heights to stay ahead.

This rivalry isn't toxic - it's symbiotic! They're like two sides of the same coin, constantly challenging each other to grow. It's the kind of relationship that keeps you on the edge of your seat, wondering what amazing feat they'll pull off next.

Believe it or Not, They Trust Each Other

An injured Bakugo and Deku fighting together
Credits: Toho Animation

When the serious stuff goes down, who do these boys turn to? Each other, of course! From Deku spilling the beans about One For All to Bakugo joining in on secret quirk discussions, they trust each other with the big stuff.

This level of confidence speaks volumes about their bond. They might bicker and fight, but when it really matters, they've got each other's backs. It's the foundation of any great ship - romantic or platonic.

My Verdict: This Ship is Plus Ultra!

Look, whether you're team BakuDeku or just here for the epic bromance, there's no denying these two have something special. Their relationship has more layers than Aizawa's sleeping bag collection.

From childhood frenemies to rivals to trusted allies, Bakugo and Deku have been through it all. Their journey isn't just about becoming top heroes - it's about growing as people and learning to understand each other. That's the kind of character development that makes fan artists' pens fly and fanfic writers' keyboards smoke.

Sure, they might not be canon (yet!), but that's what headcanons are for, right? The tension, the trust, the way they push each other to be better - it's all there. Plus, have you seen how often they end up in each other's personal space? Coincidence? I think not!

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