6 Life Lessons Goku Taught Us

There is no denying Dragon ball’s popularity. Goku, of the Dragon Ball series, is one of the most popular anime characters ever created. His life story offers many valuable lessons. Here are six life lessons Goku taught us!

In this article:

  1. Practice Makes Perfect
  2. Never Give Up
  3. Limits Are Meant To Be Broken
  4. Treat Everyone With Respect
  5. Never Afraid To Ask For Help
  6. Everyone Deserve A Second Chance

1. Practice Makes Perfect

Goku getting angry with fire background | Practice Makes Perfect | 6 Life Lessons Goku Taught Us
Source: Zerochan.net

Goku never stops training! His obsession with fighting strong opponents is what drives him to work nonstop and reach new heights.

In life, to become good at something, frequent practice is required. If you fail, it’s important to learn from your mistakes, and not be afraid to try again. This is precisely how to grow and become better at anything.

2. Never Give Up

Brave Goku raising his hand with sky background | Never Give Up | 6 Life Lessons Goku Taught Us
Soure: Zerochan.net

Goku has faced many strong adversaries across the universe--and been pushed to his limits--countless times. He receives thrashing after thrashing, but never allows himself to be defeated. Goku persists even from beyond the grave and develops incredible strength.

When life beats you down, don’t waver, and always get back up. When hardships seem too big to overcome, think of Goku, inspire to be like him, and never give up no matter what comes your way.

3. Limits Are Meant To Be Broken

Goku V.s Frieza | Limits Are Meant To Be Broken | 6 Life Lessons Goku Taught Us
Source: Deviant Art

To achieve a higher level of Saiyan, Goku has to continually train and push himself in overcoming obstacles. Often in the form of an enemy, these also include his own limitations.

When fighting Frieza, Goku has to decide whether to perish along with Planet Namek or find a way to become even stronger and defeat Frieza. In this crucial moment, Goku knows he must go beyond his limits and transform into a new form to defeat his adversary.

When all hope seems lost, and the odds are stacked against you, don’t lose heart! Remember that as you take on those impossible challenges, you will become stronger and stronger. Eventually, you will be able to surpass your current limits and soar to new heights.

4. Treat Everyone With Respect

Goku lifting up his son | Treat Everyone With Respect | 6 Life Lessons Goku Taught Us
Source: saiyanstuff.com/blogs/news/most-memorable-moments-entire-dragon-ball-series/

Goku might be one of the most simple-minded and friendy guys in both the anime world and the real world. He can’t help being so cordial with anyone he meets, even when facing purely evil characters! This leads him to let his guard down and sometimes get a beating, but he continues this way because it is part of who he is.

The way you treat others is a reflection of your inner personal image. Therefore, be kind and always grant those around you respect; Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Additionally, it is better to make more friends than enemies. Don’t you agree?

5. Never Afraid To Ask For Help

Vegeta saves Goku’s life | Never Afraid To Ask For Help | 6 Life Lessons Goku Taught Us
Source: www.deviantart.com/dbzbabe

This is a lesson Vegeta has to learn the hard way. Being overconfident and proud of himself all the time, makes himself vulnerable when facing foes that are way too powerful for him to handle alone. Unlike Vegeta, Goku is the kind of person who is not afraid to ask for help from others. Without the help of his friends, Goku would never have been able to prevent countless invasions and threats throughout the series.

Asking for help from others does not mean you are weak, but it’s a sign of self-awareness. Knowing your own limitations is a good way for you to prepare for what may lie ahead. Don’t forget to ask for help if you find the challenge too hard for you to handle by yourself.

6. Everyone Deserve A Second Chance

Goku sitting on the cloud and playing with his friends | Everyone Deserve A Second Chance | 6 Life Lessons Goku Taught Us
Source: www.deviantart.com/fruitsaladsonic1/

With his kind-hearted nature, Goku gives everyone second chances. No matter how evil the person is, he always gives them a second chance to become a better person. Most of his friends used to be an old enemy, and had done horrible things to him. Still, had he not given them a second chance, they would not have changed and became his friend.

This is one of the most important life lessons: During your whole life, you will meet many people. Some will hate you, and some with love you, some will even try to hurt you. But, in the end, you should approach them with an open heart andz try to forgive them, even if they have done terrible things to you.

By doing this, you will be able to have a more comfortable and peaceful life, while welcoming more friends.

Check this video out if you want to know more about our childhood hero - Goku:

We can learn a lot from Goku. The way he lives demonstrates characteristics and life lessons that are very useful in the real world. That is why Dragon Ball is famous around the world and Goku is well-known and loved by fans.

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