Mine is a primary character in the anime and manga series Akame ga Kill!, known for her deadly precision as the sniper of Night Raid. Originally hailing from the Western regions, Mine joined Night Raid to fight against the Empire's oppression, seeking to create a better world for those who were discriminated against like herself. Despite her small stature and seemingly delicate appearance, Mine is a fiercely determined and prideful warrior who never hesitates to put her life on the line for her comrades and cause.
Personality & Appearance
Credits: Studio White Fox
Mine is initially introduced as a sharp-tongued and prideful individual who often clashes with others due to her blunt and direct nature. However, beneath her tough exterior lies a caring and compassionate heart, especially when it comes to those she considers friends. She is fiercely loyal to Night Raid and is driven by a strong sense of justice.
Powers & Abilities
Credits: Studio White Fox
- Teigu: Pumpkin: A gun that grows more powerful based on the user's emotional intensity and danger level. It can deliver devastating long-range attacks and can even bypass certain defenses.
- Sniper Expertise: Mine is an expert marksman, capable of hitting targets from incredible distances with pinpoint accuracy.
- Agility: Her small stature allows her to move quickly and evade attacks, making her a difficult target to hit.
- Battle Intuition: Mine has a keen sense of the battlefield, allowing her to predict enemy movements and strategize her attacks effectively.
- High Emotional Resilience: The more danger she is in, the more powerful her attacks become, making her an increasingly deadly opponent as battles intensify.
- Mine is the most recent member of Night Raid to be featured on wanted posters in the Empire's capital city.
- She was the second character to kiss Tatsumi after professing her love, with Esdeath being the first.
- Mine confirmed that her first kiss was with Tatsumi, and it was also her last in the anime.
- Her favorite color is pink.
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