Is the S Classes I Raised BL or Not?

Hyunjae carrying Yoojin
Read the S Classes that I Raised on Webtoon

Have you guys read "The S-Classes I Raised" yet?

Okay, so it's supposed to be this action-packed manhwa with crazy superpowers and intense battles – and trust me, it delivers on all of that. I mean, the whole concept is wild!

Han Yoojin, this seemingly ordinary guy, gets this crazy ability to train the most powerful beings on earth, the S-Ranks. It's like watching a high-stakes training montage, and it's addicting.

But there's also something else going on that's got everyone hooked. If you've been on Pinterest or X (formerly Twitter), you might have seen some fan art. Particularly BL fanart.

Hear me out here.

I know it's not officially a BL manhwa. But honestly, it wouldn’t make any difference if they do add it. Especially when (spoiler alert!) Yoojin is carrying Hyunjae’s baby.

You read that right!

Sung Hyunjae is as heartless as a politician. But with Yoojin, he acts so differently; it's giving me serious BL vibes!

But what is "The S-Classes I Raised" exactly all about? Well, let me tell you about it.

The S-Classes That I Raised Summary

Han Yoojin's main protectors laughing and smiling under the stars
From Left to Right: Noah, Yoohyun, Yoojin, Peace, Chirpy, Yerim, Myungwoo

Hunters are like superheroes with special powers, and Yoojin's rank is F, which is the lowest level. However, his little brother, who's a super powerful S-rank Hunter, dies. It's a total tragedy, and Yoojin blames himself.

But get this – he gets a second chance to go back in time and do things differently! With a second chance, Yoojin's goal is simple: protect his brother and change their fate.

He's determined to protect his brother this time around. But the catch? He’s still an F-rank. The good part? He can train and bond with S-rank hunters AND monsters.

However, there's a twist: nobody knows Yoojin has this amazing power. He's just known as the guy who's really good with monsters.

Even then, Yoojin was a hot commodity, and everyone wanted him as their child’s mother (the child was a monster).

About Han Yoojin

Han Yoojin wearing a traditional Chinese garment under the stars
S Classes I raised Promotional Art for the Novel

Han Yoojin's life has been all about taking care of others. Growing up without parents, he raised his little brother, always putting others first.

This made him a natural caregiver, risking his own well-being for his loved ones. But this worries his friends and family, who wish he'd step back and relax.

Yoojin, however, can't help but dive into problems, even though he dreams of a peaceful life. In the past, feeling inferior to his S-class hunter brother, Yoojin made bad choices that led to public criticism and depression.

But even then, he never stopped trying to win his brother back. This lack of confidence still haunts him, making him awkward and flustered by kindness.

His past trauma also manifests in nightmares of his brother's death, only calmed by sleeping beside him and confirming he's safe and sound.

Yoojin is fiercely loyal to his loved ones, sometimes sarcastic to those he dislikes. He even talks back to higher-ranked hunters, a fearless deer among wolves. He's a skilled liar, but he can't hide the truth when challenged.

About Sung Hyunjae

Sung Hyunjae visiting an imprisoned Yoojin carrying red flowers
Sung Hyunjae surprises Yoojin with flowers

Sung Hyunjae, the powerful leader of the Seseong Guild, is a rare S-class awakener shrouded in mystery. Close to Han Yoohyun and interested in Han Yoojin, he's a complex character with many layers.

Hyunjae oozes self-confidence, barely acknowledging his past and boasting about his wealth, looks, and abilities. He's a smooth talker, but his words can be sharp and vexing, often aimed at testing others. He acts mainly out of self-interest, only helping those he deems "interesting."

Despite a friendly facade, he's not easy to approach and has a particularly provocative relationship with Han Yoohyun. He enjoys provoking others, especially those younger than him, often highlighting their flaws.

Hyunjae acts impulsively, caring little about consequences, and enjoys stirring up trouble with his unorthodox actions. He's perceptive and smart, often seeing through Han Yoojin's intentions.

He treats life like a game, manipulating others for amusement, even if it disrupts his plans. Even his own guild members find him unpredictable!

Hyunjae was the first to feel the effects of Yoojin's regression. His past self sometimes takes over, leaving him confused and short-tempered.

What is The Real Status of Their Relationship?

Hyunjae carrying Yoojin to activate his caregiver ability
Sung Hyunjae and Yoojin

Han Yoojin initially saw Sung Hyunjae as a powerful tool, a "Skill" to help him achieve his goals. Their relationship was a playful game of give-and-take, with Yoojin shamelessly milking Hyunjae's resources and wealth.

Hyunjae, however, was utterly captivated by Yoojin, seeing him as his prized possession, his "item."

Yoojin, accustomed to this self-centered worldview, played along, viewing Hyunjae as his powerful "skill." Their interactions were filled with playful banter and undeniable tension, with Yoojin brushing off Hyunjae's flirtations with a smirk.

Sung Hyunjae offering Yoojin a coat
Read The S Classes That I Raised on Webtoon

Hyunjae, ever the charmer, showered Yoojin with gifts and compliments, playfully suggesting dates and even calling him "princess." Yoojin found this behavior endearingly absurd, secretly enjoying the attention while maintaining his playful aloofness.

Though Yoojin often teased and insulted Hyunjae, deep down, he couldn't deny the S-class hunter's undeniable charisma and power.

Hyunjae, on the other hand, pampered Yoojin like a precious treasure, gifting him lavish items like a pair of exquisite earrings. His adoration, initially driven by curiosity, blossomed into genuine admiration.

Yoojin, an F-class hunter surrounded by powerful S-class individuals, intrigued Hyunjae with his fearless attitude and disregard for danger.

Yoojin, in turn, couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy towards Hyunjae's seemingly perfect life while secretly enjoying the special attention he received.

Sung Hyunjae
Read The S Classes That I Raised on Webtoon

As their bond deepened, Hyunjae's feelings for Yoojin evolved from amusement to genuine care and devotion.

He saw Yoojin as his "partner," someone he could rely on and trust. This shift was solidified when they changed each other's contacts from "My Item" and "Skill" to "Business Partners," marking a deeper level of connection.

Their unique relationship became a hot topic of gossip, with others noticing their undeniable chemistry. Yoojin played it cool, but deep down, he knew that Hyunjae had become more than just a powerful ally; he had become someone special.

Han Yoojin looking fondly at Sung Hyunjae
Read The S Classes That I Raised on Webtoon

What do you think about their relationship? Let's talk about it at the Otaku Community!

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