Six Reviews You Need to See Before Subscribing to The Otaku Box!

I have the best customers in the world!

Reina, from Aharen-san wa hakarenai, staring at Mitsuki with a threatening aura around them
Aharen-san wa hakarenai, Season 1, Episode 2 || Credits: Aharen-san wa hakarenai IMDb

Due to all my work for my fellow otakus, I can only reply to some of the messages I receive. But I always spare time to read them and evaluate everyone's experiences!

You should do the same if thinking of subscribing to The Otaku Box or getting other products or services. After all, real customers are the best source of feedback!

Here are six lovely reviews subscribers left on Trustpilot to give you an idea of what you’ll experience with my anime box subscription!

Not Just Dragon Ball!

Five-star review of The Otaku Box from January 2023
Review taken from

That's why I love to have my subscribers involved! Each anime box is unique and has an unexpected combination of titles because they vote on their favorite anime.

It’s True Love!

Five-star review of The Otaku Box from November 2022
Review taken from

By the way, it seems this customer likes catgirls! What is your favorite type of waifu?

Waifus Everywhere!

Five-star review of The Otaku Box from November 2022
Review taken from

Back then, the upgraded anime figures I got for my subscribers were smaller. The scale was 1:12; now it's 1:9. Hang in there, Customer. There's always room for one more waifu!

Waifu Anime Subscription

Five-star review of The Otaku Box from February 2022
Review taken from

That's right. A new gorgeous waifu to fall in love with every month! Just look at some of my past anime figures, and you'll understand.

What About An Extra Box For the Customer's Family?

Four-star review of The Otaku Box from July 2021
Review taken from

Yay! I'm flattered to know this customer's family liked the items from the box so much. Should they consider getting a "decoy box"? What would you do in their shoes?

Surprise, Surprise!

Five-star review of The Otaku Box from October 2021
Review taken from

Here's a tip for skeptical otakus: Watch for sales on my socials! You may get individual anime merch at lower prices so you can see with your own eyes what my anime boxes are about — in terms of quality and ecchi (make sure you reached the legal age in your country)!

Thank You All!

There are over a thousand reviews on The Otaku Box's Trustpilot webpage. Although I can only show this small portion here, I invite you to read the experiences of others.

If you aren't a subscriber yet and want to try it, please check my main page. Also, don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

If you are (or were) a customer, thank you for leaving me your review! My anime boxes and I are improving daily because you gave us a chance, voted, and sent your feedback. I promise to return your kindness with fantastic boxes every month!

Cover Image from IMDb

Get your FREE waifu scale figure now!

I want her!