Can Joo Jaekyung Be Redeemed in Jinx Season 2?

Jaekyung giving Dan a handjob
Read Jinx on Lezhin

Okay, Jinx enthusiasts, let's talk about the most controversial seme in yaoi right now. Joo Jaekyung, the MMA fighter with a heart of... well, that's up for debate.

We've all seen him in action, both in the ring and out, and Season 1 was a rollercoaster of emotions thanks to the series of misunderstandings caused by his MMA enemies.

Now that Season 2 is on the horizon, the burning question is: Can Jaekyung evolve beyond his bad-boy persona? Can he learn to control his anger, respect Kim Dan's boundaries, and become the kind of partner he deserves?

To see if Minghwa can pull off his redemption arc, we will be grilling and roasting Jaekyung to hell and back.

So get ready for a deep dive into the mind of this troubled MMA fighter as we try to answer the question: Can Joo Jaekyung truly redeem himself in Jinx Season 2?

Who is Jaekyung, and What Has He Done?

Jaekyung giving the middle finger to an opponent
Read Jinx on Lezhin

Jaekyung is an MMA fighter who is absolutely obsessed with being at the top of the game.

He's incredibly hard-working, disciplined, outspoken, and a perfectionist. He's also brutally honest, even if it comes across as blunt.

On the negative side, he's short-tempered, aggressive, violent, rude, arrogant, mean, ungrateful, cold, petty, childish, unkind, unfriendly, and stubborn. He can be a real handful, pushing people away with his harsh demeanor.

He’s got the looks, the money, and the talent, but his terrible attitude... but let’s not jump on Jaekyung just yet. Because Point A: he’s a champion fighter; we're just fujoshis. Point B: he’s not the absolute red flag out there.

Jaekyung does NOT compare to absolute red flags like Caesar, Zhenya, or Ilay. Jaekyung might not be a softie, but he's not the devil, either.

If Jaekyung was pure evil, he wouldn't have taken Dan home after seeing him assaulted in his own home. Or help pay his debt and his grandmother’s hospital bills.

Jaekyung visiting Dan's grandma at the hospital
Read Jinx on Lezhin

He might act like a jerk sometimes, but he's also been Dan's knight in shining armor more than once.

Jaekyung still has a lot of room for improvement. He’s not a complete lost cause, even with all the bare minimum things he’s done.

What Do People Think of Jaekyung?

Jaekyung posing for Men's Heaven
Official Art by Mingwa

People have all the right reasons to dislike Jinx or Jaekyung. People HATE Jaekyung. They compare him to the worst characters out there. But his behavior isn't new or unique. He's just another red flag.

We see his nasty side with everyone, not just Kim Dan. At least he's not putting on a fake act, which is a point in his favor. Everyone knows he's tough to deal with, even himself.

He keeps his distance from people, focusing all his energy on MMA fighting. It's like his whole life depends on being the best, and that's a lot of pressure.

It can make his bad personality even worse – more temper tantrums, more rudeness. This intense focus on fighting seems unhealthy, maybe even an excuse to avoid getting close to others.

The Mystery Behind Jaekyung’s Backstory

An injured Jaekyung leaning on Doc Dan
Read Jinx on Lezhin

Most fans believe that Jaekyung’s sob story will be coming this Season 2. And based on Minghwa’s track record, we have reason to believe so.

There are a lot of theories and speculations regarding Joo Jaekyung. So allow me to add my own two cents:

Jaekyung is drawn to and repulsed by weakness because he was once perceived as weak.

This could be linked to past traumas, maybe even sexual ones, as fighting and sex seem intertwined in his mind. He projects these feelings onto his partners, treating them the way he does Kim Dan.

This is why he needs to be on top before a fight. He sees his partners as weaker versions of himself, so controlling them proves he's not weak anymore.

This makes him feel good and sure of himself when he fights. He'll get better when he no longer needs this, meaning he's dealt with his problems.

We see this in how he acts: he likes Dan because he seems weak, he doesn't care much when Dan is in trouble, he's happy to fight Dan, and he hates being seen as weak.

Interestingly, when he's drunk, we see a softer side: gentle, attentive, caring, and even vulnerable. Maybe we’re just grasping at straws, but he also makes sure to ask Dan for consent, even when he coerces him for the most part.

We need to know more about Jaekyung's past, but at the very least, we can all agree that this man needs an absolute miracle in order to redeem himself.

Can Dan Really Fix Him?

A drunk Doc Dan playing with Jaekyung's ears
Read Jinx on Lezhin

With his gentle spirit and unwavering patience, Dan might be the key to unlocking Jaekyung's better side. We've already seen Dan's positive influence on him, especially in those small moments when Jaekyung listens and tries to improve.

Throughout the story, it's clear Kim Dan isn't just another fling for Jaekyung. It seems, as Choi Heesung put it, Jaekyung has grown attached.

The problem is that Jaekyung won't admit the truth about his feelings, even to himself. He'd rather punch a bag than face his emotions.

Unlike Choi Heesung or even Potato, who seem to understand their own hearts, Jaekyung is totally out of touch with his.

When Jaekyung lashed out at Choi Heesung, he wondered why he acted that way. But he'll never get an answer because he doesn't know how to be honest with himself. Even after Dan’s confession, he chalks it up to him being horny.

Who knows, maybe Season 2 will be the turning point for Jaekyung.

Maybe he’ll work on his anger issues and learn to love Dan the way he deserves. I'm not saying it'll be easy, but hey, stranger things have happened, right?

What do you think? Can Jaekyung be redeemed after a sob story? Or do you think he was born an a-hole?

Drop by the Otaku Community and share your thoughts!

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