Soukoku's Gayest Moments that Make You Think They're Canon!


Have you ever seen a pair of guys that make you think, "Wow, they're so gay." That's how the majority of us feel about Soukoku.

Soukoku, also known as Double Black, is the name of the Chuuya-Dazai duo. I mean, imagine being so gay the anime gives you your own ship name.

However, Dazai and Chuuya aren't like the typical anime ship. These two go at it every minute they are together!

So, what exactly do people see in this ship?

For starters, it's their unique bond. Chuuy and Dazai understand each other beyond shallow levels. Not to mention, their powers complement each other so well!

Dazai is usually the brains of the operations. He is also the only one who can bring Chuuya back from Arahabaki. Chuuya also trusts in Dazai, even if he has no idea what the crab fanatic is up to.

These two are simply made for each other, and let me show you why!

1. Dazai undoing Chuuya's corruption

Chuuya talking to Dazai after he deactivates corruption
Chuuya telling Dazai he trusts him

After fighting off tentacles - I mean Lovecraft, Chuuya's Arahabaki goes haywire.

Chuuya doesn't usually resort to using Arahabaki. He's unlike Megumi, who pulls out Mahoraga at every minor inconvenience (Megumi catching strays, sorry, bud).

So, what exactly made him use it at that moment? If you guessed Dazai, you are correct!

Dazai is the only person Chuuya trusts to bring him back to normal. After all, Arahabaki is not a skill but an entirely different being. And by entirely different being, we mean a calamity god.

Of course, it's not Dazai if he doesn't get cheeky once in a while! He takes his sweet time bringing Chuuya back out of amusement. This, of course, annoys the little man.

Then again, he's grateful to have Dazai. He'd rather die than admit it, though!

2. This scene

An injured Dazai talking to Dazai at a dungeon
Dazai and Chuuya at a dungeon

Whatever this is, it's definitely not straight. We really did not need to know that, but thanks for the tip, Dazai! (no pun intended)

3. Dazai and Chuuya holding hands

Chuuya and DAzai holding hands to deactivate Randou's barrier
Chuuya and Dazai attempt to defeat Rimbaud

To activate Dazai's nullification, he needs physical contact.

Randou's ability was tricky to deactivate because he could move the barrier around. So Chuuya tried using his gravity to hold it down. When Randou moved his ability, it warped around Chuuya, creating a spot where Dazai could touch and nullify it.

So, what is the best course of action? Hold hands.

Because a high-five or even touching a finger is too mainstream. That and fanservice. It's a win for everyone!

4. Chuuya wakes Dazai up Snow White style

Chuuya punching Dazai to break the antidote in his mouth
Chuuya waking Dazai up

If you ever doubted that Dazai trusted Chuuya, here's your proof!

So Dazai decided to take the calculated risk of being poisoned by Shibusawa's fog to trigger Shibusawa's transformation.

Dazai wasn't reckless; he trusted Chuuya, his fiery partner, to wake him up. And guess what? Chuuya did.

Dazai had a tiny antidote pill hidden in his mouth. All Chuuya needed to do was help him down that pill. And he did it in the most efficient way possible: he punched Dazai.

And it worked! But only because Dazai trusted Chuuya to wake him up. Even Chuuya pointed that out, and miraculously, Dazai didn't even deny it!

If this doesn't prove they're gay, at the least, it proves that they're each other's other half.

5. Dazai shoves Chuuya's face near his crotch

A tired Chuuya allowing Dazai to shove him to his crotch
Dazai shoving Chuuya to his crotch

There is no heterosexual explanation for this one.

Maybe Dazai was being petty and playing Chuuya again. Maybe he, indeed, was protecting Chuuya. But why shove his face in his crotch?

Poor Chuuya could not do anything. He was too tired to deal with Dazai, much less fight against him. So, he simply accepted whatever Dazai did.

Chuuya trusts Dazai anyway. Even if Dazai was just playing around, he knew that Dazai always had his back!

6. Dazai's farewell speech to the drowning Chuuya

Dazai looking back at his memories with Chuuya
Bungou Stray Dogs Manga

You read that right. If you're not up to date with the manga or anime, I suggest skipping this part!

We all know how Soukoku trusts each other to literal death, right? This was one of them.

So Dazai had this whole plan of "drowning" the vampire Chuuya to defeat Fyodor. And he succeeded! Well, at the expense of Chuuya.

Seeing as his beloved partner was drowning, Dazai decided to be his usual petty self and decided to deliver a heartfelt speech. It was complete, even with flashbacks!

He starts reminiscing about their old days in the Mafia, teasing Chuuya about his temper and all that. Then he gets all emotional, talking about how Chuuya was the only one who truly understood him.

Then, Dazai just stops midway as if he never cared. How cruel of him! He even told Chuuya to have a nice nap at the bottom of the ocean!

This might seem polite by Dazai standards, but it still is a bit heartless. Then again, Chuuya wasn't really a vampire. It was a ploy that he and Dazai came up with.

You didn't expect that one, did you? Dazai did not need to deliver that cheesy speech at all!

Is Soukoku Canon?

Unfortunately, the author, Kafka Asagiri, has not confirmed anything. But they definitely know what they are doing!

The Bungou Stray Dogs fandom is filled with Soukoku shippers. It would only make sense for them to find ways to keep their fans happy.

So while nothing is confirmed, we can definitely ship Soukoku all we want! Which Souokoku moment was your favorite? Let's talk at the Otaku Community!

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